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Finding Light in Shadows
Irises Reimagined 

Van Gogh’s Irises is one of my favourite paintings, and one that I intended to approach for many years. It’s a joyful painting, that leans towards chaos and drama but lands harmoniously in an unpolished, almost accidental way. The irises are bold bellows of unapologetically blue joy emerging from and collaborating with green entanglement. 


Van Gogh and I have both been overwhelmed by big feelings, we’ve both been financially challenged, spent times in psych facilities, and had an intimate relationship with self-harm, drugs, and suicide. Van Gogh always painted what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted. That’s something I strive for, to work on my own terms. Just getting back to that love for yellow paint. Like Van Gogh, to seek out light in shadows. These paintings have meant a great deal for me, so feel free to check out my blog post to understand more.

All currently for sale except those with red dots.
Contact me with any enquiries.




1st - 29th August 2024
Downing Centre

143-147 Liverpool St, Sydney

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